Tuesday, July 31, 2007

2 months - Growing Big

Lots of new pictures of Ella Mae posted online!

Dear Miss Ella Mae,

You are the keeper of my heart and the light of my soul. Just thought I should let you know.

Your Proud Momma

This last month began your language development, so in addition to your many types of cries you have begun to grunt, gurgle, coo, couch, and sigh heavily. I love it. The other new thing you are doing is making a kissing, smacking noise by sucking on your lips. I can hear you smacking away in your carseat when we are in the car and it's how I know when you are awake.

You now use your mad cry quite frequently, going from happy to "I'm so mad mom!" in seconds flat. It's usually because I'm not moving fast enough, and I've begun to piss you off. I'm still getting the hang of this mom thing. You have many cranky moments, your Grandma Robn calls these the "Trankies."

We are working towards a routine, of eating, activity, sleeping, and time for Mom! Some days are great and others are harder but you are such a quick learner.

You have been spending more and more time napping and sleeping in your crib. I have to admit that the transition from you sleeping in the bedroom with me and starting to sleep in your own room has been hard for me. I check on you every few hours and miss having you right next to me. You have a favorite blanket and a cd of classical music that set the stage for sleeping. You also like to fall sleep with a light on just like mom.

I really think you needed your own sleeping space. You are a big sleeper like your Mom. Whenever I have you sleeping next to me on the bed I make sure you are carefully situated on some pillows with plenty of room. But, by the time I wake up you are wedged in my armpit, drawn magnetically somehow to my boobs. You seem still while you sleep, but you wiggle and scoot your way all over the place when I'm not looking.

You've had more visits from family and friends including your Aunt Sherry and Uncle Steve and your new friends David and Matt. Kodak moments from these visits can be viewed in your photo gallery.

Your Dad has become quite proficient at calming you, playing with you, feeding you, and changing you. However, he continues to get pooh everywhere when changing your especially ambitious diapers. I haven't checked the ceiling yet, but I have enough to do already. Your favorite thing to do with Dad is watch cartoons. He props you up on your boppy pillow in front of Sponge Bob. Apparently you love this and your are especially fond of Patrick. All of this goes on of course while I am trying to catch up on my sleep and Dad has gotten up at an ungodly hour like 3am and is taking the night shift. All the books say that we should not put you in front of the television because it is way too overstimulating, but I can't be everywhere at once. So, I guess the occasional Sponge Bob, Dora the Explorer, and Jimmy Neutron won't hurt you too much.

You continue to gain in strength and are discovering your hands and toes. You are ahead in your development, doing things that 3 and 4 month olds are doing. I think you will be able to sit up soon. Each day you spend time standing up on my stomach. You have also started to grab at my hair.

You have many nicknames, all of which I will document because they will change sometimes daily. Here are the favorite nicknames at present:
"Tasty Toes"
"Cranky Spanky" (with many variations of this, ie. Spank, Crankin Spank, etc.)
"Goosey" (Your Dad's favorite)
"Chunky Monkey"
"Bright Eyes" (Given by Grandma Janine)
"Ella Schmella"
"CinderElla" (Given by Grandpa Jimmy)

This past month we went to the library and checked out a whole bunch of books to read. You don't really seem interested or have the patience for reading yet. Maybe I'll start reading outloud to you while you nap.

The other new development is that your mom has started working part time and you come with me. This has been quite an adventure and hopefully not too disrupting to your routine. I really want to be working and am enjoying it, but am also sad that it distracts my attention from you. You are mom's little helper and I couldn't do it without you.


Friday, July 13, 2007

Little Miss Independent

You love to sit upright and hate to lay on your back, at least most of the time. You prefer to be held most of the time.

You like your swing for a little while and then you get fussy. I have a suspicion that when your Dad puts you in the swing you are much more agreeable then when Mom does it. Rocking and swaying are your favorite motions. You like to sit in the rocking chair and rock really hard.

You also like to be close to Mom in the sling. When we go out of the house for a long errand this is where you are the happiest.

For some reason you do not like your crib at all. You don't even like laying in it. I'll have to figure out why that is.

You like listening to music. So far we have listened to baby lullaby and classical cds, as well as a healing sounds cd.

You really like laying on your changing pad. I think it's because it's higher up, on top of the dresser, and you can see our faces better from that distance.

You sleep in your bassinet very peacefully, but rarely fall asleep on your own unless you are tired. You are getting better with this.

You like the pacifier sometimes, but definitely prefer the real thing! You are a very pokey eater and you like to take your time. You snack and play and then drink and then nap and then you start all over, and it takes a very long time to finish a feeding. Right now you tolerate all my kisses because you think my lips are actually my breats and you are going to get food.

You have the most sensitive skin, breaking out at the slightest thing. When you cry and get yourself really worked up you break out into red splotches all over your face.

You are quite fussy sometimes and are very hungry all the time. Just growing up a storm. I can't ever seem to move fast enough and you get yourself worked up into a royal fit. Your lungs are very strong.

You are awake a very long portion of the day, even though most babies your age are supposed to sleep most of the time. When you are awake, you are so alert, with your bright eyes opened very wide. Your have so many expressions, it's amazing. I think you will probably talk with your hands like your Mom when you get a bit older.

First Month Milestones

Tomorrow you will be 6 weeks old. You are already so strong and independent. I can tell that you will crawl and walk early. You are already able to stand up on my stomach and put your full weight on your legs. All the books say you aren't supposed to do this until 3 or 4 months. I'm still learning your cries and noises. You have begun to make lots of coos, coughs, grunts and gurgles. The sound of your little voice is heaven. It's like no other sound I've ever heard.

You have already had many first experiences and travels. We've been to a movie, bookstores, a community pride event, Mariposa, the river, Delhi, Mommy & Me, and to visit friends many times. Whenever we go out you seem to sleep the best, and I secretly enjoy how much attention you get from people. Everyone remarks how beautiful you are.

Today we went to our first Mommy & Me class and I realized that you are a very long baby! You are going to be tall like your dad. Long legs, arms, fingers and toes. Maybe you will be a runner, just as long as you are not running away from me.

Last week we visited Mariposa and you spent almost the entire time in Grandma's arms. I took many pictures of you so you will remember this day. You also had your very first shower with Grandma & Grandpa helping. You apparently loved it and just soaked your toes in the warm water.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Visit with Grandma Robn

Finally I have some beautiful pictures to post of my mom and Ella. In all the commotion of the birth and settling in at home I realized that I had very few photos of them together. My mom, sister and brother came for a visit last week. We had many adventures together with Ella, including her first trip to Borders Bookstore and her first movie, Evan Almighty.

Here are more pictures with Ella Mae and her family from Mariposa.