Friday, January 18, 2008

Pregnancy memory

CIMG0080Today I used Dreft to wash clothes because we ran out of our other laundry detergent. It’s the first time I’ve used it since before you were born. I washed all your clothes and blankets in Dreft to keep myself busy in the last month or two of my pregnancy. Every day I would smell the freshly washed and folded tiny clothes and sort out my favorite blankets, and imagine you in them. Today that smell made a little tug at my heart, remembering thinking and dreaming about what you would be like, look like, feel like, smell like. Remembering how different life was then, before the Ella Mae. It seems like a lifetime ago. While you were in my womb, I was in my own “womb” preparing for motherhood. Eating right, drinking lots of water, sleeping a lot, feeling anxious, reading tons about babies, feeling you kick and poke with your toes right under my left ribs. Now, I can’t even imagine what life would be like without my Ella Pella Girl. My heart is full.


Friday, January 4, 2008

6 month milestones

CIMG0048You are now 7 months old, and your 12 months clothes fit perfectly! Long toes and legs, just like your Dad.

It’s been a very exciting month! The biggest new development is that you can now sit up all by yourself, which you prefer to do while laying on your back. Your stomach is very strong. This has made bedtime a little more challenging because you are like a little spring, we lay you down and you spring back up. When you are really tired you throw yourself back on your pillow with your hands behind your head, and usually a few seconds later are sitting up again.

Also new for this month is eating lots of rice cereal, especially the banana flavored kind. You are already showing preferences for certain tastes. You will eat a whole bowl of the rice cereal, but I can’t interest you in peas, green beans, or sweet potatoes. You take a few bites and then become very interested in the walls and the ceiling.

We got you a walker for Christmas, which you are almost too tall for. I think you enjoy it and are learning how to move forward. It helps you to stand up and I am already imagining you running around the house. Soon I think you will be too heavy for your bouncer, when you are in it you jump so forcefully I think you are going to go through the floor!

CIMG0056You are grabbing and reaching for everything now and your hands are in constant motion. You have figured out that you can turn pages in books and now are more interested in helping me turn pages than hearing the story. I have a few small board books just your size that you nibble on and play with in your crib.

This month we have learned a few more things that make you laugh. I discover them by accident. When you see something new you usually giggle really hard the first time, and then the next time I try it you don’t laugh. The sock monkey makes you giggle and we play kissing games with it. Also, I stack your stuffed baby einstein blocks and you knock them over and seem to get a big kick out of this. Your dad makes monkey sounds which you like very much and pretends that his finger is a bee making buzzing noises and tickles your stomach. This cracks you up. Since I have discovered how good baby laughter is for the soul we are on a mission to find ways to make you laugh. I have discovered also, that you have a very ticklish butt. When I am changing your diaper and pinch your naked cheeks I can usually get a few giggles out of you.

This month your Grandma Marty died, and we are very sad. We will make sure to tell you lots of stories about her so you will know her. She loved you very much. You look almost exactly like her as a baby, so we’ll wait and see how much you resemble her when you are older. She was a gorgeous lady. A picture of her holding you was in her obituary and we will save this for your memories book. I am sad that she didn’t get to spend your first Christmas with you, but she painted you a beautiful portrait of you as a newborn baby sleeping. You will have this forever, it’s breathtaking!


First Christmas 2007

Christmas 2007 - The Holden FamilyWe had a wonderful first Christmas, and even your Dad wasn’t Mr. Scrooge!

We took our first family photo at Sears and gave these as Christmas presents. They turned out so well and I think I’m starting to get the bug to do more. You are very photogenic, just like your Dad, and the photographer barely had to try to get you to smile.

P1050159We visited Grandma Robn in Mariposa, whose birthday is also Christmas Day. We ate good food and got many special new presents. Your favorites are a new pair of eeyore robeez shoes to wear and a homemade baby quilt that is soft and luxurious. Grandma fed you all sorts of new things, and you ate a bunch of mashed potatoes. She also discovered that a little shot glass is just the perfect size for you to drink out of without spilling, so this is your new cup.

CIMG0001Your uncle Bret is home from the military for Christmas and he visited with your Aunt Kristen and Grandma Janine. Grandma gave you really cool new toys that sing and light-up which you really love. Your favorite is a green frog stuffed animals that teaches shapes and colors and sings to you. Grandma Janine & Grandma Mario also gave us a new camera that takes videos. We are so thrilled! We have already taken several videos of you an put them on youtube.

Your aunt Sherry made your the softest crocheted blanket which you sleep with every night. You love to run your fingers through it.

First Christmas Photo Album
A photo on FlickrA photo on FlickrA photo on FlickrA photo on FlickrA photo on Flickr

Ella’s Video Debut

With the fancy new digital camera we got from Grandparents Cervantes we have been taking short videos of Ella left and right. I will be posting them on YouTube, and from now own you see the new videos by clicking on the right sidebar.

Ella’s on YouTube