Friday, January 4, 2008

First Christmas 2007

Christmas 2007 - The Holden FamilyWe had a wonderful first Christmas, and even your Dad wasn’t Mr. Scrooge!

We took our first family photo at Sears and gave these as Christmas presents. They turned out so well and I think I’m starting to get the bug to do more. You are very photogenic, just like your Dad, and the photographer barely had to try to get you to smile.

P1050159We visited Grandma Robn in Mariposa, whose birthday is also Christmas Day. We ate good food and got many special new presents. Your favorites are a new pair of eeyore robeez shoes to wear and a homemade baby quilt that is soft and luxurious. Grandma fed you all sorts of new things, and you ate a bunch of mashed potatoes. She also discovered that a little shot glass is just the perfect size for you to drink out of without spilling, so this is your new cup.

CIMG0001Your uncle Bret is home from the military for Christmas and he visited with your Aunt Kristen and Grandma Janine. Grandma gave you really cool new toys that sing and light-up which you really love. Your favorite is a green frog stuffed animals that teaches shapes and colors and sings to you. Grandma Janine & Grandma Mario also gave us a new camera that takes videos. We are so thrilled! We have already taken several videos of you an put them on youtube.

Your aunt Sherry made your the softest crocheted blanket which you sleep with every night. You love to run your fingers through it.

First Christmas Photo Album
A photo on FlickrA photo on FlickrA photo on FlickrA photo on FlickrA photo on Flickr

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