Wednesday, June 18, 2008

10 months milestones

100_CIMG0529Started to crawl forward on hands and knees! Yay! You are on the move. . .

Soon I’ll be too busy to blog because I’ll be chasing you around.

big girl bathtime. You love crawling back and forth very fast and are fascinated by the spout which I’ve put an elmo safety toy over. This has only made you more attracted to it.

Very fine motor control with fingers.

Eating lots & lots - will try anything. Want anything i’m eating. Will let me know if you are hungry and want something - getting very vocal.

100_CIMG0519crawling very fast and interested in everything. I let you follow me around the house. You have a running crawl.

Starting pulling yourself up to standing on the couch, chairs, me, anything you come across.

Very very busy baby.

Playing lots of tickling games, love to read stories and turn pages.

When you are trying to get to sleep at night or for a nap I’ll come in and see you reading your stories, or I’ll check on you after you are asleep and find you sleeping on books wedged here and there.

You’ve got mad professor hair! Wispy and curly, and always a little matted and fuzzy in the back.
We consigned your jumperoo, and it made me sad, but you are too big for it now. No more staying in one place for you!

Now that you can move around, you are less interested in cartoons, but we still watch certain ones in the morning.

For your upcoming birthday I’ve already started buying you gifts here and there. The first gift from Mom and Dad are your very first pair of new shoes, well two pairs actually. They are red Seewees sandals and tan Saltwater sandals from Stride Rite. Very special.

100_CIMG0427I pulled up the little alphabet puzzle foam mat from your play area because I was getting tired of putting the pieces together several times a day. You spent most of your time pulling up all the pieces then actually playing on it. This was a great idea in theory, but not in practice. I’ll save it for when you are older and we can do stretching and yoga together.

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