Monday, March 17, 2008

7 month milestones

Mom was very busy this month with work and am very behind in blogging.

Big Girl bathtime – this month you have a new bathtub and are playing with toys while you soak. I never liked the baby bathtub anyways, you were constantly slipping down into the tub and getting water in your ears. Your new tub is inflatable and sits inside the big bathtub. You can situp and play with toys in the water. You love it, and get upset when we take you out. You always need to take a toy with you, or we have a situation.

Every day you are getting even prettier. It’s hard for me to imagine you being any more beautiful than you are, but it keeps happening!

You are growing in leaps and bounds and are now wearing size 4 diapers!

Grandma Janine weighed you and you are already 21-22 lbs.

You are starting to lurch forward onto your stomach, but no crawling motions.

Your favorite foods this month are potatoes, homemade vegetable medley, and peaches mixed with banana rice cereal.

You can move forward in your walker and are walking all around the house already getting into stuff. You like to play with cell phone and battery charger cords and are becoming interested in the outlets.

You can pull yourself almost to standing in your crib and we had to lower the mattress.

You are enjoying cartoons more and more – Handy Manny, The Wiggles, Sponge Bob, Sesame Street, Higglytown heroes and some new baby Einstein videos.

We have some new books – all animals sounds and textures. Still your favorite thing.


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